45 | Leroy Logan MBE & Hyacinth Roberts

Leroy and Hyacinth grew up in North London in the 1960s and 1970s. They inherited their work ethic from their Windrush parents, who came to the UK from Spanish Town in Jamaica. Assaulted by police officers in 1982, Leroy's father struggled to accept his son's decision to join the force. Hyacinth says "I never thought of Leroy as an officer, I still don't. I just wanted him to be safe." Actor John Boyega plays Leroy in the Steve McQueen film 'Red White and Blue' about his ascent to Superintendent: despite the racism form inside the force and hostility from his own community. In this episode, Hyacinth - who works as a nurse - and Leroy, who still works as a campaigner- talk about public service, faith, race, a free range childhood, re-enacting TV stunts and enjoying a warm and safe childhood in Finsbury Park.


Leroy's book about life as a cop is called 'Closing Ranks'


46 | Shakira Akabusi & Ashanti Akabusi


44 | Pat Owtram & Jean Owtram